Law of Attraction

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blood Circulative Massager

Abbreviations: WBV – Whole Body Vibration

BCM – Blood Circulative Massager

Based On:

1. Acupressure (Reflexology)

2. Blood Circulation (Vibration)

3. Massage

Minimal Effort; Maximal Result

•15 Minutes = 5 KM Jogging


Improves Circulation In Spiral Way

–Balances Immune System

–Balances Endocrine System

–Strengthens Musculo-Skeletal System

–Strengthens Nervous System

–Increases Bone Density

–Strengthens Gastrointestinal System


During Jogging

Using BCM

Blood Circulation in Normal Way

Basic Metabolic Rate

Calories get Burned

Hormones Responsible for Weight Reduction

–Not Stimulating

–No Massage Effects

-Not possible in all ages

-Not Possible to the people, suffering from severe chronic diseases like Osteoarthritis.

-Maximum Effort

Blood Circulation in Spiral Way

Basic Metabolic Rate

Less Calories Get Burned

Hormones Responsible for Weight Reduction

–Stimulating Reflex Points

–Body Gets Massaged

-Possible from age of 4 to 100 years (Generally)


-Minimal Effort; Maximum Result

Operating Principle:

WBV is a proven technique for relieving the symptoms of painful ailments such as fluid retention, poor circulation, varicose veins (In early Stage) and the list continues. You can simply set the timer for the desired length of exercise; this will start the exercise movement. Relax, clear your mind and you will feel your whole body is rotating in clockwise manner as if you are being massaged all over. The more you relax the greater the sensation. The results of this non-impact exercise movement are excellent.

The Stress of Modern Day Lifestyles!

Today's hectic lifestyle means you often don't have the time to exercise properly. Combined with an unbalanced diet, undue stress and air pollution, many problems such as headaches, dizziness, lower back pain, and constipation can occur. To combat this, you need to maintain the proper oxygen content in your body.

For only 15 minutes per day, you can properly exercise your muscles throughout the whole body, while achieving a relaxing massage that will leave you feeling refreshed for the rest of the day --- de-stressed!

Do you know that the most common lower back pain and headaches are due to hours of sitting at your desk or standing all day long?

By doing this, your blood becomes stagnant. The WBV can help reverse this effect by allowing better blood circulation to help alleviate such symptoms.

These days, more and more doctors and alternative medicine practitioners are using good blood circulation as an important criterion for good health.

How Does It Work?

According to Scientific Approach, In our every Feet & Palm contains approximately 7,200 nerve endings, it is connected to Brain through Peripheral nervous system. It can be stimulated by pressure. BCM stimulates brain through these nerve endings, via peripheral nervous system.

Oxygen turns out to be one of the key elements in attaining and maintaining good health. However, people today do not have enough oxygen intakes. Although people would have enough circulation of oxygen in their bodies to keep them alive, they would not have the oxygen to keep them healthy.

The most effective way to acquire a sufficient amount of oxygen is to be in motion. Exercise is one of the ways to keep your body moving. Exercise helps calm your nerves, prevent constipation and makes it less likely to get other diseases. Good health depends very much upon the efficiency of oxygen intake by the body.

Reflex Areas In Human Feet:

To be efficient, the sympathetic nerve (Sympathetic Nervous System -Originates in the thoracic regions of the spinal cord; opposes physiological effects of the parasympathetic: reduces digestive secretions; speeds the heart; contracts blood vessels) must be stimulated and the bronchus expanded to increase oxygen intake volume. To achieve this result, the body needs to vacillate a little bit like a fish or a four-legged animal so that spinal cord can be stimulated. It was this revolutionary method of aerobic exercise.

Cellular Activation:

Massage stimulation to the sympathetic nervous system opens up the bronchioles to provide maximum oxygen access to the lungs. Simultaneously the blood flow to and from the lungs is increased, enhancing oxygen exchange from the lungs to the blood and therefore to the body cells, to excite cellular metabolism.

Spinal Balancing:

With the body relaxed in the lying position with no weight on the spine, the Vibration will influence a correction to certain conditions of misalignment. Such corrective action can in turn cure or alleviate complications arising in the vertebrae joints from certain spinal misalignments.

Improving the Immune System:

The WBV stimulates globulin (any of the class of proteins) production, which increases the immune systems defense capacity thereby providing greater freedom from disorders and disease.

Blood Production:

Blood is produced in the spleen and spinal bone marrow. Reduction of spleenal blood production arises from the spleen's susceptibility to damage. The vibration action on the spine stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which increases spinal 'marrow' blood production. Anemia can be benefited by this massage action.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The meaning of the corporate logo

TIENS is derived from the Chinese spelling Tianshi. "Health and wealth" constitute the theme of TIENS' international expansion in the future, which marks Tianshi Group's shift toward a global orientation and diversification at the turn of the new century. The design of the logo is centered on the dynamic arc, which represents the high-tech theme, conveys a sense of unlimited possibilities with its interactive structure, and symbolizes the brand TIENS' unabated energy and unceasing development. Among the colors of the logo, green represents health, growth, harvest and environmental protection, which ensures the sustainable growth of Tianshi's operations; yellow means wealth and hope, which serves as the financial support of the company's global venture; black suggests Tianshi's strength and steadiness; blue implies wisdom, technology and vision; red displays enthusiasm, youth and vigor, which constitute the corporate business outlook and sense of mission.

The Origin of Tianshi

"Shi" means lion. Over the centuries, the city of Cangzhou has been famous for its ancient iron sculpture of a lion, which has become a symbol of the city, and has been given the nickname of "Lion City". Mr. Li Jinyuan, Tianshi's president, reminded of the iron lion of his hometown, chose the word "lion," which also connotes the sleeping lion, the awakening lion, Leo, etc. In 1993, Mr. Li Jinyuan came to Tianjin to start his business. "Tian" means heaven, which is associated with heaven's will, favorable geographical position, and popular support. Hence the company was named Tianshi (Heaven Lion). The lion represents Mr. Li Jinyuan's fond memories of his hometown. The wings suggest Tianshi Group's soaring aspirations and youthful vigor.

  • Business goal: Making a good life by sharing Tianshi's success.
  • Operation guidelines: Diversification; first-class brands; global business; a contribution to mankind.
  • Business status: First-class global diversified enterprise.
  • Business philosophy: Contributing to society by restoring health to mankind.
  • Public interest: Promoting public welfare and benefiting all.
  • Service philosophy: Practicality, hard work, commitment, creativity, enthusiasm, and efficiency.
  • Corporate culture: Earnestly dedicating oneself to bringing mankind health, confidence, hope, success, and wealth with the central goal of "serving society by restoring health to mankind".
  • Corporate spirit: Serving our country by establishing a successful business; constantly striving for higher goals through harmonious teamwork and earnest dedication.
  • Organizational management principle: People-oriented.
  • Development strategy: A gradual shift toward the international market.
  • Internal slogan: Spread health and happiness all over the world!
  • External slogan: Share together and fly together!

Monday, August 25, 2008



  • Rich in iron and vitamin B.
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Promotes Cell proliferation and hence recovery from trauma.
  • Provides Tolerance to low oxygen because of high chlorophyll content.
  • Lowers blood sugar hypoglycemic effect.
  • Helps in fighting stress.
  • Used as a facial cream for a smooth & healthy appearance. Apply spirulina on face by mixing it with Egg white or rose water.



Product Content

    Spirulina is a whole food derived from various microscopic species of primitive Blue Green Algae-Sp. Maxima & Sp. Platensis that thrives in warm, alkaline fresh-water bodies. The name is derived from the Latin word ; denoting the physical configuration of the organism when it forms swirling, microscopic strands.

    It is a rich source of assimiable 18-amino acids of which 8 are essential Amino acids that are not synthesized in the body. It is an excellent source of protein.

    Its adaptation to heat also assures that spirulina retains its nutritional value when subject to high temperatures during processing and storage, unlike many plant foods that rapidly deteriorate at high temperatures.

    Scientist took deep interest in the aboriginal tribe living around the Lake Chad in Central Africa, as they were strong and in good health, and lived longer years, rarely sick. In the monitoring studies, it was revealed that their diet consisted chiefly of spirulina alga.

    Tianshi Spirulina is meticulously selected from those spirulina which are non-contaminated, enjoy prolong sun exposure and grow around lake area.

Contents of Spirulina

    Spirulina is a rich source of beta-carotene, a blue pigment called phycocyanin, and the green plant pigment, chlorophyll. It contains 65% protein, 18% carbohydrate, 5% fat and 7% minerals. Spirulina also contains appreciable iron and B complex vitamins. It provides gamma linolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid.


Chlorophyll :- Its chlorophyll content is higher than vegetables. It can regulate the body metabolism, cleans the blood, enhances the body capacity in fighting against oxygen deficiency, radiation etc.

Phycocyanin :- It helps to clean the blood, replenish blood supply, overcome anemia and constipation, heals wounds, regulates body metabolism and detoxification. It contains glycogen that is capable of generating energy for the body rapidly without causing additional burden to pancreas and results in low blood glucose level.

The nutrient content of a 10g spirulina serving is: protein, 6.5g; carbohydrate, 1.8g; fat, 0.5g; calcium, 100mg; iron, 15mg; vitamin A, 2,300 retinol equivalents; thiamine, 0.31mg; riboflavin, 0.35mg; and niacin 1.46mg.

The human body easily absorbs the protein in spirulina algae at a rate of 65-80%. Every 100g of dried Spirulina algae contains about 50mg carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A.

Food & Agricultural organization of UNO in → 1996 Super Health product. 1971 → FDA Strong Product.


Content :- 100 Capsules per bottle

Recommended Dosage :- 6 Capsules/Day or 3/3 or 2- 2

  • Keep away from the reach of children
  • Keep in a cool and dry place
  • No side effects have been reported except a few allergic reactions



The Tiens Hypotension Device was originally designed to control high blood pressure by stimulating acupuncture points on the scalp, this award winning bioelectric apparatus is now found by some to have a reverse effect with seborrheic alopecia (balding) and has been very beneficial for some with pain relief.

May assist with:
- Reducing and balancing blood pressure
- Relief from arthritic and other pain
- Stopping hair loss
- Regrowing hair
- Thickening and Darkening hair
- Promoting shiny hair texture
- Promoting fairer and smoother skin texture
- Reducing facial lines and wrinkles

All you need to do is replace your regular comb with this unique biophysical apparatus and comb your scalp from front to back slowly 3 times a day. When gently brushed over the skin regularly, it may also promote fairer and smoother skin texture and may reduce lines and wrinkles.
The Hypotension Device has won eight awards in International Expos.


  • Strengthens bones & teeth
  • Helps in blood coagulation
  • Supports the heart
  • Fights Fatigue
  • Relieves Backache
  • Helps in Arthritis
  • Good for Lactating mother
  • Helps in Insomnia
  • Aids in absorption of V in B12 from the Ileum.
  • Lack of calcium could also result in deficiency of V in B1.

Product Contents

  • Tianshi Calcium supplement contains calcium carbonate, defatted milk powder, magnesium steerages, gelatin & vit D.
  • This product is formulated with the addition of different natural flavors,
    available in honey peach, strawberry and famous muskmelon flavors. This formula
    is in highly assimiable form.

Element Details


Calcium is one of the basic constituents of human body. Nearly 99 percent of the body calcium is stored in the bones and teeth where it plays two important roles. First, it is an integral part of the bone structure. Second, bone calcium serves as a bank that can release calcium to the body fluids in case of slightest drop in blood calcium concentration. Many people have the idea that, once deposited in bone, calcium together with other minerals of bone) stays there forever-that once a bone is built, like a rock. Not so. The minerals of bones are in constant flux, with formation and dissolution taking place every moment.

After the age of 20, we tend to face problems of inadequate & imbalance intake
of calcium in our body. This will result in losing 1% skeletal calcium yearly.
When we are over 50, the total skeletal calcium will reduce as much as 30%. Early symptoms of calcium deficiency are fatigue, excess sweating, lack of concentration, poor appetite, constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, leg cramps etc.

Cells need continuous access to calcium, so the body maintains a constant calcium concentration in the blood. The skeleton serves as a bank from which the blood can borrow and return calcium as needed. Blood calcium is regulated, not by a persons daily calcium intake, but by hormones sensitive to blood calcium. This means that you can do without adequated dietary calcium for years and not suffer noticeable symptoms. Only later in life you suddenly discover that your calcium savings account has dwindled to the point at which the integrity of your skeleton can no longer be maintained. This means that throughout your adult years you have been developing the fragile bones, a condition known as osteoporosis, or adult bone loss. Osteoporosis constitutes a major health problem for many elderly people whose bones suddenly begin to shatter.

The RDA committee recommends 1,200 milligrams of calcium, the amount in about 4 cups of milk (approx.) each day for everyone, After age 24, throughout life, other factors can either hasten or slow the bone loss that occurs in everyone.
Once a person reaches middle age and bone loss has begun, however, the person
can still do a few things to maintain the bones, as discussed earlier.

Unfortunately, few girls meet the RDA for calcium during their bone-forming years. (Boys generally obtain intakes close to those recommended because they eat more food.) Even if girls do meet the RDA, this amount may not be enough to achieve the maximum bone density. As for adults, women rarely meet the RDA of 800 to 1,200 milligrams from food within their energy allowances. Furthermore, evidence is accumulating that calcium recommendations should be higher still, especially for postmenopausal women. Some authorities suggest 1,500 milligrams of calcium for postmenopausal women who are not receiving estrogen.


Magnesium is necessary for the operation of hundreds of enzymes, and it directly affects the metabolism of potassium, Calcium and vitamin D. Magnesium is a part of the protein-making machinery of every cell and is necessary for the release of energy.

Calcium Deficiency:-
Calcium deficiency may cause around 109 types of diseases.

Children:- Nightmare, Restlessness, Shaped Legs, Shaped legs, Rickets,
Bone disorders etc.

Adolescent:- Leg cramps, fatigue, restlessness, lack of concentration, weak
teeth, easily catch cold, allergies etc.

Adult :- Fatigue, cramps, tiredness, catch cold, allwrgies etc.

Pregnant women :- Cramps, joint pains, edema etc.

Elderly:- Cramps, loss of bone mass, bone fracture, osteoporosis, arthritis etc.


Contents :
60 tablets per bottle

Recommended dosage:-
1-2 tablets/twice a day (After food)


    Tiens Cordycafe uniquely enriched with herb cordyceps, is an irresistible complement to your drinking pleasure. It invigorates your spirit and mind, improves work efficiency and productivity.

    Along with good aroma & taste Cordy cafà gives you all the benefit of herb Cordyceps sinesis which boosts your immune system & supports the functioning of your organs.

Ingredients :

  • Herb Cordyceps senesis
  • Skimmed Milk Powder
  • Coffe enhancer
  • Condenced milk powder
  • Coffee
  • Tricalcium Phosphate
  • Cocoa Powder
  • Foaming non dairy powder etc.
  • Contents 12 sachects per packet

Recommended usage :

  • 1-2 times daily, 1 sachet for a cup (+ 150 ml ) each time to be mixed with hot water.
  • Improves digestion
  • Uplifts work efficiency
  • Boosts Immunity.

Blood Circulation Machine (BCM)

BCM is the most effective exercise device for restoring circulation of lymph and blood.

There is an old Chinese saying Good circulation and breathing keeps a body healthy. Exercising is one way to maintain sound health.

In order to promote the proper way to a healthy body, we proudly introduce the health equipment Blood Circulatory Massager Machine (BCM).

It is based on the findings of years of research centered around

1. Acupressure (Reflexology)

2. Body Blood Circulation Vibrations

3. Massage


Reflexology is a form of acupressure, which is applied on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. All parts of our body are symmetrically represented in the palms and soles. These reflex areas become correspondingly sensitive with a disorder in the part of the body to which they are related.

Blood Circulation Vibrations

BCM promotes blood circulation to remove obstruction in the channels; ample supply of blood to the body parts ensures their evident functioning.

Clockwise circumrotation makes a rapid blood circulation within the body, increasing blood supply for heart and brain, accelerating secretions and discharges, making body healthy and clean.


It has a remarkable massage effect, which relaxes the muscle and increases flexibility.


1. Drink a glass of water before using this machine.

2. Keep machine stable and horizontal.

3. Sit on a raised object & gently place your feet on the contact plate. Apply pressure on the knees to press all the reflex points.

4. Temporarily switch off the power. Wait for the user to stand firm (with support) first by bending the knees slightly & after some time when the user is comfortable he/she can stand straight.

5. BCM can be used in various other postures depending upon the requirement.

Effective in

  • Over weight Constipation Pain
  • Respiratory Disorders Arthritis Low Backache
  • Sciatica Stiff joints and muscles Beauty-skin problems
  • Insomnia Regulating sugar levels Hypothyroidism
  • Frozen shoulder Fatigue Numbness & Many more

Not to be used in Case of

  • Menstruation (Excessive bleeding) in women
  • Bleeding piles Varicose veins
  • Kidney failure on Dialysis Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Tuberculosis (T.B) Patients using pace-maker of metallic implants in bones
  • Pregnancy Malignant tumor
  • Infectious Diseases

Use with Caution in Case of

1. Swelling in the ankle/feet

2. Very old debilitating person

3. Deep vein thrombosis

4. Ulcers, bed sores in feet or back


1. After continuously using the machine for 30 minutes, at least a ten minutes rest will prolong the machines life span.

2. After usage, please turn the power off and cover up the machine to prevent dust.

3. It is advisable to keep the machine away from water strictly. When using the machine, keep the surroundings clean and dust free to prevent various substances being sucked into the machine and damage the rotation.

4. The place for using the machine has to be leveled. A suitable distance has to be kept for the ventilating holes at the bottom of the machine and the floor. This will prevent overheating the motor and getting it burnt. It machine is to be used on a carpet, then use a hard board under the machine to prevent the carpet from blocking the vents.

5. Smoking and food chewing are prohibited while using the machine.


Since long time the basic problem human being is health, It is very necessary to treat diseases to have good health. If a person is sick he will definitely go to a Doctor. Doctor advised him many laboratory tests which become grate trouble for the patient. If he do not go to labs for tests then doctor want to be confirmed about his disease & when he reached labs. It becomes so late that the disease becomes almost incurable. But now all these problems can be solved by a very simple and small apparatus named Aculife. Aculife utilizes magic wave to perform health condltion diagnosis. It relieves general health problems by stimulating acupunchre meridians on the ear and palm which improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system

Wise Weight Losing – Waist Belt

WWLB is controlled by Microcomputer; it integrates the wise control, vibrating massage, heating and magnetic therapy together.

Using powerful vibrating massage ball inside, it can vibrate and massage on waist, neck, leg and arms.

WWLB is based on three therapies :-

1. Heat Therapy:- It heats the excess fat and enhances the metabolism, hence helps in losing weight.

2. Vibrating Massage:- It improves the blood circulation and hence relaxes the fatigue.

3. Magnetic Field:- It adjusts the body's magnetic field and promotes health. The powerful magnetic field, which is produced by the magnets, adjusts the balance of the body, improves the microcirculation, so the skin becomes more bright and beautiful, and body becomes strong and slim.


1. It heats the excess fat in the body.

2. Enhances the metabolism.

3. Improves blood circulation.

4. Relief of accumulated tension and restoration of flexibility of muscles.

5. Relaxes the fatigue.

6. Helps in overcoming pain and stiffness.


1. Connect the outlet of the adepter to two-pin plug of the waist belt.

2. Connect the adapter to AC 220V.

3. Press the on/off switch of the controller, and then choose from the following options:

  • A:- Heating 5 min and then vibrate and massage automatically
  • B:- No heating, vibrates and massage automatically
  • C:- Fast Massage rhythm, No heating
  • D:- Only Heating

4. For Weight reduction the user should choose function A or D first, and then B or C

5. Usage of Intensity function :- Intensity key includes the 'strong, mild and weak' options.

6. Usage of Rhythm function :- Rhythm key is divided into "fast and slow".

7. Timing :- Working time is 15 minutes, when you switch it on it will automatically stop after 15 mins.

8. The Belt can be used around :

  • Waist
  • Back
  • Knee
  • Hand
  • Legs

9. The two-row waist belt can also be used for backbone massage.(Put the belt on bed & lie down on the belt in supine posture)

Not to be used in case of

  • Patients using pace-maker, or metallic implants in bones
  • Pregnant Women
  • Within 6 months of surgery
  • Menstruation and Menorrahgia (Excessive bleeding) in women
  • Kidney failure on Dialysis
  • Malignant tumor


1. Don't put the product together with sharp material, or press it using heavy tools.

2. Use the belt around the waist after 2.30 hr of heavy meals.

3. Drink a glass of water after using the belt (The movement can reduce water).

4. Please turn off the power supply after use.

5. After continuously using the machine for 30 min., at least a ten minutes rest will prolong the Belt's life span

Tiens chitosan

Chitosan is a type of fiber food found in crustaceans such as prawns and crabs. The main ingredient, chitin, helps in reducing cholesterol in the blood, prevent hardening of arteries, strengthening of the kidney and the elimination of heavy metals found within the body.

Tiens Chitosan capsules contain 85% of acid deacetyl which is high in purity and quality that makes it the best organic healthfood of modern times.

Chitosan is capable of of revitalizing cell functions, relieve fatique, speeds up the recuperating process and slows ageing. Chitosan can also inhibit the digestion and assimilation of lipids, absorb and eliminate cholesterol, thus preventing heart diseases.

Chitosan, through the ingredient chitin polyssacharride, can strengthen the liver by absorbing toxins in the body and is capable of increasing the pH value of th body, secretion and usage of insulin, and reduces blood glucose of the diabetic condition.

Positive ions in chitosan absorbs and eliminates heavy metal toxins from the body, providing a balanced body electrolyte for good health.

Chitosan can be used to enhance the anti-bacterial ability of friendly bacteria, increase the population of friendly bacteria within the liver, improve the digestive function and enhance assimilation of nutrients by the body as well as restore liver functions.

Benefits Of Chitosan

1. Reduces Blood Lipid

2. Strengthens The Liver

3. Reduces Blood Glucose Level

4. Prevention of High Blood Pressure

5. Absorption of Heavy Metal

6. Helps in Excretion

7. Improves Digestive Function

If you have a job but need to get additional income,

If you want to work independently and build your own business,

If you are seeking a part-time job or need to work  with a time schedule  upon your  discretion ,

If you wish to work at home or anywhere up to your timing  and without any limitation,

If you are willing to work in a multinational company and have the ability to do your business over 190 countries,

 Tiens Business is right for you!